
Paediatric Surgery

Clínica Corachan’s Paediatric Surgery Service in the Paediatric Department offers the most up-to-date techniques for all kinds of surgery carried out on newborn babies, children and adolescents. This covers the following pathologies:

  • Complex congenital neonatal anomalies which include oesophageal and intestinal webbing, pulmonary and diaphragmatic anomalies, defects in the abdominal walls (omphalocele and gastroschisis), intestinal malrotation and genitourinary anomalies.
  • General paediatric surgery which includes paediatric inguinal hernias, hydroceles, umbilical hernias, undescended testicles, protuberances and nodules, circumcision and laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  • Thoracic surgery which includes resection of pulmonary anomalies, repair of pectus excavatum and carinatum, thoracoscopy for empyema and pulmonary biopsies.

Pectus Exacavtum

Pectus Exacavtum or thoracic malformation is a deformity in the skeleton of the thorax that causes the patient's chest to cave in. When the deformity is pronounced, it causes a decrease in pulmonary capacity, cardiac compression and disorders in the diaphragm and of a psychological nature, among others.

The symptoms of these disorders can include pain in the chest, a mitral valve prolapse, heart palpitations, respiratory disease and intolerance to exercise.

Our team uses an innovative surgical treatment to correct this disease, with numerous benefits for young patients. Through the use of minimally invasive surgical procedures, a stainless steel rod is implanted to reshape the patient's sunken chest. The surgery takes 40 minutes, in comparison with the four to six hours required to reconstruct the chest. This operation offers excellent long-term functional and aesthetic results, and helps the child breathe even better at the same time as enabling the normal expansion of the chest and the correct growth of the lungs and the heart.

  • Days in hospital: 4 days
  • Patients return to normal activities in practically one month